Kamis, 22 September 2011

Yang ulang taun, yang mau nembak, yang ngerayain anniversary, yang ngasih selamat atas prestasi, yang minta maaf.. semuanya bisa dilakuin dengan cara kasih bunga.
Is that true that "flowers never fail"?

Buat para lelaki yg doyan unyuk2 dengan memberikan bunga untuk temennya, gebetannya, pacarnya, istrinya, adeknya, ibunya, atau neneknya..
I'd lake to share you guys advice, based only on my own experiences, about thing you need to make sure before giving your beloved ones some flowers..

Ternyata, gue baru menyadari, what excites me the most is the fragrance.
It doesn't really matter what flower it is, what color it is, or how many flowers there are. Because when the flower gives good good good smell , well then your effort works!

Gue ga tau, gue doang atau emang rata-rata cewek begitu dikasih bunga, diam-diam akan menciumi wanginya. Tapi yang pasti, siapa sih yang ngga seneng bunga pemberiannya disimpen di kamaarr.. so when your beloved ones wake up in the morning she can smell a good good and becalming fragrance comes out from your flower? ;)

Soo.. Don't just buy any random flowers for your beloved ones. Kindly make sure the fragrance works out! :)

1 komentar:

just adhi mengatakan...

flower just last 5days..its not all about the flower but the thing lays behind it..cause that thing last forever,for the one that gave it to you..or maybe for you to..

thanks for using that flower for this blog..

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