As usual, we always have something to share on our birthday
I wanna share mine too.
I called my birthday as the unpredictable day
Why unpredictable? because everything happened on my birthday was beyond my prediction
I started the day by a midnight surprise from a friend
Unpredictable, karena secara saya sedang tidak berpacar jadi tidak mengharap siapapun di tengah malem.
Ternyata ada temen gue yg mau aja dateng bawa kue plus ngasih hadiah.
Unpredictable karena hadiah yang dikasih luar biasa : lukisan muka saya
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semoga saya bisa segemuk ini amin :p |
After that, everything was going normally
Got so many birthday greetings and wishes from friends, had a breakfast and chit chat with my parents, then I went to campus in a super good mood to finish my group assignment.
Unpredictable, karena di tengah - tengah "asik curhat" gue sm temen gue
Jeng Jeng, di belakang gue ramailah temen2 kampus yang imut - imut itu singing happy birtday and brought a special cake. Why special? becaus it was frozen, I couldn't even slice the cake, ahhaha.
Bahkan temen gue yg berbadan besar seperti bakpau motong kuenya sampe keringetan (hai Bobi, thanks anyway! :D)
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kibo, rana, bobi, ria, ayu, ichy, resty, gue, nda, indi, icha, dan jaja yg foto |
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the supercake |
Hanging out with some friends so I didn't have to be alone on my day.
I felt unpredictably happy, gue termasuk orang yang justru sangat tersentuh sama hal - hal kecil seperti :
- Birthday greetings dari banyak orang, bikin gue ngerasa gue diingat sama temen - temen gue, apalagi ucapan dari temen - temen yg ngga gue sangka bakal notice ulang tahun gue (walaupun gue tau jaman sekarang tinggal buka twitter / facebook pasti tau siapa aja yg ulang taun di hari itu). Actually, I planned to put some captures of the greetings here.. tapi gue putuskan agaknya terkesan dangdut :p
- Status BBM temen - temen gue yg diganti jadi "happy birthday ega".. bahkan dari temen - temen yang sebenernya jg ngga deket - deket amat atau malah hanya kenal..
- Dapet cemilan kampung "kuping gajah" dari temen2 gue *kecup ichy&dinda*
I truly deeply heartily appreciate it :)
I came home at late night with a smile.
I discovered something clise yet true on that day :
Boyfriends come and go, but best friends don't know how to go :)
Thank you for the gifts, thank you for the joy, thank you for the greetings, and thank you for making me unpredictably happy :)
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